Thursday May 02, 2024

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Soca Dj - Our Mission

Am I a Soca Dj?

In a word: No. In two words: No, No. But what I am doing is providing links for the average "Soca Dj" and Soca lovers. And that has nothing to to do with being a Soca Dj  (LMAO).

There are only a few good sites that provide links for a "Soca Dj", but the numbers are growing each year. So ...PLEASE HELP ME!!!  If you know any great links for a "Soca Dj" (or Soca lover) please let me know.


The best Dj is a Soca Dj ?

Soca music originated in Trinidad & spread through all the Caribbean islands like a virus.  As a proud trini, I love Soca music and  I feel that all dj's/soundcrews, WORLDWIDE who play Soca music should have a place to list their websites & links -  for FREE!

Is the best Dj a Soca DJ? - Well, Here's some trini logic:  A Soca Dj plays a lot of Soca Music, I love Soca music. Hence I think a Soca Dj - would be the best Dj!! (LMAO). Well, that's how I feel at least, do you agree or not?

You can email your comments to -


A work in progress...

I'm still working out all the kinks on this site - most of the links work (but I'm still checking). If you find any dead links on the "Soca Dj" links page, please forward them to me -

Its hard to check each and every link, but I'm working on it. Once I have check all the links on the "Soca Dj" page, I will send out a email to everyone who is interested. If you are interested in helping me and would like to volunteer to work for, please email



Please forward to me any Soca Dj or Caribbean Websites! A return link to would be greatly appreciated! All submissions should be sent to -


Thanks for taking the time to read this introduction page.

Please take the time to visit my sponsor below. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or comments on how we can make better, please do not hesitate to contact me


Brian Anderson